In 2016, our founder Josh Crane tragically lost his mother after an 8 year battle with Alzheimers. He experienced first hand the pain and suffering an individual and their family goes through as this debilitating disease slowly took away the mother he once knew. Because we feel coffee has the power to bring people together, tell a story, and help those in need; we wanted to create a program to bring awareness and help fund the good fight.

After seeing the hardship this disease brought to his own family and the difficulty in finding quality care and help, The Coffee Ride has partnered with HFC where 25% of the purchase price of your coffee will go directly back to helping support caregivers and families dealing with Alzheimers. HFC is a nonprofit movement, led by Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen, whose mission is to care for families facing this disease, educate young people about living a brain-healthy life, and activate the next generation of Alzheimer’s advocates.
We thank you for your donation and participation in this effort to find a cure.