Q and A with the customer — thecoffeeride RSS

Meet the customer: Scott Crabtree

 Q: What’s your name? A: Scott Crabtree Q: Profession? A: Commercial Broker Q: What coffee from The Coffee Ride makes you smile the most?  A: Sweet Life Espresso Q: What’s your morning coffee routine? A: Relaxing mornings with the family with a numeric latte  Q: What’s your favorite adventure that included coffee?  A: Headed out to watch the sunrise with the family Q: Why do you choose to drink The Coffee Ride coffee? A: It's fresh, tastes great and convenient delivery Q: What’s your favorite local ride: A: An efficient loop out the back door with a buddy or two -sunshine- poor mans-fourmile-lickskillet-rowena - down sunshine and home (all while the kids are taking the midday nap)  

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